One of the questions parents often have is what should they read to and with their children? The good news

These professionals include the classroom teacher (whose area of expertise is related to the teaching and learning of how to read and comprehend what is read), the children's librarian (whose area of expertise may include the learning of reading but also encompasses fostering a love of reading, a hunger to explore through books and learning resources. In addition, for introduction to research they teach skills about locating, accessing and using various information tools to answer questions).
Children's books with many pictures are often called "Picture Books" and sometimes "Easy" or "Everybody" books. The formal definition of a picture book is one where the illustrations are crucial to the understanding and telling of the story. The term is sometimes used to identify those books where no reading is needed or a book that it is expected will be read to a child. These books are often no more than 32 or 48 pages in length. "Easy" or "Picture" book sections sometimes includes the "Transition" or "Chapter Books" of less than 100 pages and a few chapters. This opposed to a book with illustrations that merely show a scene or a character periodically through the book. Picture books can be very simple but also surprisingly sophisticated. The art work is often quite stunning and innovative. Some picture books straddle the line between fine fiction and early childhood book and are sometimes labeled as "Illustrated Books."
"Picture Books" of longer length and great visual beauty are often shared with youth into Middle School. They are appealing to interest students who do not normally read by combining reading skills with visual literacy.
Winners for outstanding use of illustrations in a children's book (Caldecott) provide additional lists and any award lists are good selection tools. Other wellknown awards include the Newbery for chapter books for older children, the Hornbook Award, the Coretta Scott King Award and others Steer clear of too heavy dependence on reader's pick lists, Amazon lists, etc. These are often created to promote a specific publisher, author, or point of view. The awards criteria involve standards of writing and literary quality, artistic merit and quality, a d production quality in binding/packaging, etc.
Here are some good lists, some annotated, to guide parents and others in selecting quallity reading material to read to or with a small child.
For a more formal discussion and some historic images and sources check out the article on Children's Picture Books at Gutenberg.